Pet Dental Health
Dogs and cats have teeth just like we do. Imagine not brushing your teeth for a couple of days, or even a few weeks, your mouth would start to feel dirty, your teeth would start to become stained, and the horrible breath!
Now think about your pet’s mouth for a moment. Pet’s need our help to maintain the care of their teeth. At their yearly wellness exam our veterinarians will help determine the best dental care for their mouth.
What benefits does pet dental care have?
Regular dental care has a number of long-lasting benefits for your pet’s health including:
- Prevention of diseases, including gingivitis, bacterial infections, and periodontal disease.
- Prevention of oral infections of the gum and teeth, and tooth loss.
- Prevention of bad breath.
- Reduced tartar and plaque build up.

What is involved in pet dental cleaning?
Dog and cat dental cleanings are like human dental cleanings, with a couple of exceptions. People normally don’t bite their dentist and we tend to listen better when told to keep our mouth open.
In order to properly clean your pet’s teeth, anesthesia is administered. Once this is completed, our veterinarians will then begin the process of removing harmful plaque and tarter from the teeth that causes bad breath and may lead to more serious problems.
Dog and cat dental cleanings are like human dental cleanings, with a couple of exceptions. People normally don’t bite their dentist and we tend to listen better when told to keep our mouth open.
In order to properly clean your pet’s teeth, anesthesia is administered. Once this is completed, our veterinarians will then begin the process of removing harmful plaque and tarter from the teeth that causes bad breath and may lead to more serious problems.

Signs of immediate pet dental care needs
If your pet is exhibiting any of the following signs or symptoms, please contact immediately:
- Loose, broken, or bleeding teeth.
- Bumps or a tumor is present in your pet’s mouth.
- Bad breath.
- Inflamed gums.
- Excessive drooling.
- A change in eating or chewing habits.