Wellness Exams
Annual wellness exams help our veterinarians catch potential health problems in your pet before they become more serious and costly. Annual exams serve as the foundation of your pet’s overall health and wellness.
At Deer Run Animal Hospital our wellness exams include:
- A thorough examination by one of our professional veterinarians.
- Vaccinations.
- Early detection bloodwork, heartworm/tick borne disease screening, and/or fecal screening.
- Advice of any findings in your pet’s examination or any questions and concerns you may have regarding your pet.
Testing & Screenings
At our clinic, we offer fecal testing to screen for intestinal parasites that can be transmitted to other pets or humans. Additionally, we recommend wellness blood screening panels based on your pet’s age, which may include Chemistries, CBC, Thyroid, and Urinalysis. These tests help us detect potential health issues and ensure the well-being of your pet.

Parasite Prevention
Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes, which can be prevented by monthly prevention. It can be potentially deadly if a dog does have heartworm disease. This also tests for 3 different type of tickborne diseases Lyme, Ehrlicia, & Anaplasma. These diseases can be transmitted by infected ticks to humans as well.
For cats, we carry Revolution which is a monthly topical flea prevention and also helps protect against heartworm disease, roundworms, hookworms, & ear mites.
For dogs, we carry HeartgardPlus, a monthly chewable that protects against heartworm disease, roundworms, and hookworms year-round. We also offer two types of flea and tick prevention: Nexgard, a monthly oral chewable, and Vectra, a monthly topical treatment. Both options effectively repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and biting flies.esses.